residential design services

  • Garden & Hardscape Design

    For those who want to completely reimagine their gardens, a garden renovation or complete re-design will give you new ideas about how to use your open space. Salix Sea Studios offers a range of garden types and active spaces including but not limited to native planting, shade gardens, English gardens, formal gardens, and edible gardens, fire circles, outdoor dining and games. Through our consultation we will gather your ideas, present a number of options and create a design which best reflects your desires. Design fees generally start around 5k, please contact us for a free consultation and estimate. For examples of recent residential work see our project page.


    • 1 hour consultation

    • survey of existing site (professional survey may be needed)

    • 3 schematic designs, depending on nature of project

    • plant group selection matrix

    • 1 hour design review

    • detailed site design and planting plan (construction documents)

    • color site plan

  • bids & construction observation

    Salix Sea Studio has existing relationships with several local contractors and will facilitate bid solicitation and help you decide which contractor works best for you. This includes value engineering or modifying the design to reduce cost.

    Once a contractor has been selected, we provide construction observation services for 10% of the total construction cost. Construction observation includes being on-call for any questions the contractor may have about the design, problem solving for any issues that arise during construction and inspection of materials and installation methods.


    • bid solicitation

    • value engineering

    • ‘on-call’ for questions or installation issue resolution

    • evaluation of material

    • evaluation of installation methods

  • Plant wellness checkups & garden coaching

    Plants need special care for the first two years to become well established. Salix Sea Studio offers personalized plant wellness checkups and garden coaching to help your plants thrive once installed. A quarterly or monthly visit is recommended to accurately assess and optimize plant establishment, and to help you get to know the rhythms of your garden.

    Including but not limited to:

    • weed identification

    • pruning demonstration

    • plant location refinement (at times plants should be moved)

    • mulching recommendations

    • advise on material sourcing