Evanston P-Patch Renovation

One of the first p-patched to be established within the City of Seattle, circa 1974, Evanston P-Patch boasts a delightful collection of community garden plots. Barker Landscape Architects was selected to facilitate a community design process to identify how the garden could be improved an optimized. Part of the garden lies within a Seattle City Light utility corridor, coordination with the utility was required to bring the garden up to current standards. Brenda was involved in all stages of design and community outreach. The gardens central path was realigned and formalized, the make-shift garden fence was replaced, allowing some existing plots to increase in size. Garden gates and new gathering and composting areas were proposed. A plan set was created which allowed the community to implement the improvements themselves.

Project Type:
Community Garden, Renovation

Completed while working for Barker Landscape Architects (now part of Environmental Works)


Garden Bed Renovation


Summerland Neighborhood Development