Cloney park inclusive playground

Nakano Associates was selected to create a schematic plan for City of Longview’s Cloney Park. City staff imagined a playground free of conventional play structures with accessible play features inspired by local history and industry. Historically the area of Longview was home of the Cowlitz Tribe, who used the Cowlitz river to transport goods in their large fright canoes. The City of Longview began with the building of a timber industry company town, housing workers who worked at the local lumber mills. In collaboration with peers, Brenda devised two initial draft concepts which were then refined and synthesized into one preferred schematic plan. The proposed design draws upon local history; referencing Cowlitz architecture and canoe building and drawing upon large elements found within the timber industry including pulp mill wood chip piles, log booms, log piles, tree stumps and water wheels. This schematic plan is being used to generate funding for future design development and project implementation.

Project Type:
Playground, Schematic Design

Completed while working for Nakano Associates


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