shoreview garden on a ledge

This midcentury modern home is perched above a steep slope overlooking the Puget Sound. Aiming to create a garden full of color and texture within the slivers of flat spaces available; large glazed pots populate a covered patio along the east side of the house, joining smaller repurposed pots existing on site - all shades of blue, to created a lush blue room. Three large curvilinear metal custom planters hug the edge of an existing patio overlooking the sound to the west. Powder coated aqua blue, these planters give a pop of color while providing more garden space, glazed pots are nestled within the curves. An old koi pond turned patio segment along with defunct water feature is demolished along the west side of the house to allow for a wider planting area.

Project Type: Garden Renovation

Deliverable: Construction Document Set

Project Status: Under Construction




West Seattle Terrace Renovation