130th st wetland buffer restoration

This restoration plan addresses an urgent request by the City of Burien for wetland buffer restoration on a residential parcel. A stand of cottonwood had been damaged and removed from the site in 2017. Taking into consideration the residential nature of this property, this planting design works to provide seasonal interest and a garden-like feel through layering of native perennials shrubs and trees. It also provides privacy through the establishment of a screen of Pacific Wax Myrtle along the west property line. As a backdrop, Bitter Cherry, Willow and Pine provide a variety of nesting habitats and food sources. Red Twig Dogwood, Cluster Wild Rose, Flowering Red Currant and Thimbleberry front these trees, providing a thicket of seasonal interest with foraging opportunity. Low-growing sedge, rush mixed with native iris and aster create a wet meadow boarder between the open lawn and taller native species.

Project Type:
Restoration Plan

Deliverable: Wetland Restoration Plan permit drawing

Project Status: Completed


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